The Benefits of Using an Ofsted Register Childcare Provider
Who are Ofsted and why are they important..?
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Their role is to inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people to ensure that all National Childcare Regulations are met by providers which involves inspecting, regulating, and reporting back on their policies and procedures. They are also responsible for on-site inspections, reports of inspections can be found on the Ofsted website.
The role of an Ofsted Registered Provider.
CMXSC as an Ofsted registered provider will meet all of the requirements below to maintain our registration and not only meet but surpass expectations in the following area's :
Have robust child protection policies, procedures and insurances in place to safeguard children within our care.
Ensure all staff are DBS certified with an enhanced DBS check, whilst maintaining and following our internal process to make sure that everyone providing childcare is suitable.
Guarantee that at least one member of staff holds an appropriate Level 3 Paediatric first aid qualification.
Guarantee that at least one member of staff holds an appropriate Level 3 Child Safeguarding qualification.
Ensure the children’s safety and welfare following our strict staff to child ratios.
Regular reviews and assessment of setting, equipment and staff to make sure we are meeting the needs of the children we care for and to ensure we are providing a fun, safe and nurturing environment
Things to consider as a parent?
For parents, deciding which provider to leave your child with a during the summer holidays or out of school care you want to firstly have peace of mind knowing your child will be safe in their hands. The Ofsted framework outlines specific policies and procedures that must be adhered to by registered all childcare providers.
There are also many other benefits when deciding to select an Ofsted registered childcare provider and booking provision for your child. For example if you are eligible, you have the option to pay for the providers activities / sessions through the tax-free childcare system or using an independent childcare vouchers company.
It’s also worth noting that all registered childcare providers will at some point be inspected by Ofsted, with the final reports made available to the public. This therefore may be something for parents to consider when researching provision for their child.
Checking For Ofsted Registration
It is important to do some prior research before booking a place with a childcare provider. It’s easy and straight forward to check if a provider is registered with Ofsted…
Before making a booking, ask the organisation for their relevant Ofsted registration number. It is important to note; each number is specific to the venue and each venue should have its own.
Ask the organisation to provide their Ofsted registration certificate. Again, this should also be specific to the venue and each venue should have their own.
Failing the above, you can contact Ofsted directly by calling 0300 123 1231 or by visiting ofsted.gov.uk
To find out more details or want to know more information about our Ofsted Registered Childcare provision please contact us via email at admin@cmxsc.co.uk